Sunday, December 12, 2010

"Handsome" famliy shoot :)

This "handsome family" is really the Hanson Family, also known as a huge part of my California family. 
Talk about God working in my life without me even being aware of it at the time-- (that's usually how it works anyway)! We lived next door to each other for at least a year as "friendly neighbors". I had Ava and that was the first time they came into our apartment (to meet her). Then Hsiaolei got pregnant, had Kekoa, and everything changed. I didn't know it, but I had a wonderfully amazing friend living next to me that whole time and it took our children to figure that out. Bless their little hearts. Now, even if there were no children involved I know a woman I love with a warm heart who is genuine, and so real. That's the best kind of friend.  So, at this point she has seen every emotion I have, everything from "I just started baking a cake and need eggs now!" to "I'm not the kind of mom I want to be today". We shared so much. And walked to this park together many times. 

A month and a half ago we moved. So then we shared tears and memories of how our lives grew and changed in those little apartments and how we have to move forward. We don't share the same balcony anymore, but we love them just the same. I miss them terribly on the long days. No popping in for coffee in the morning, or a check in at night before the littles go to bed. But I can still call her up anytime and share just where I'm at. It's a relief. It feels like not as much is lost.  A good friend is a good friend no matter the time that goes by or where you live in relation to each other. 

So, enough about me and how much I miss them! Here is their holiday shoot: Hsiaolei, Scott & Kekoa Hanson:






Aren't they a handsome family?!

1 comment:

  1. You are so gifted Cassie! We LOVED seeing you and really do miss you. Thank you for such kind words, the feeling are mutual.
